Our Story

About Our School

We are students and teachers of yoga, dance, voice and acting classes, eager to share our experience and knowledge with people all ages and sizes. These classes have helped us expand and grow as human beings, and we hope we can carry on the knowledge and share with you too!

We believe yoga is

for EVERY body

Increased focus and flexibility, decreased anxiety, better posture, easier breathing- the list goes on! Yoga doesn’t have to be a spiritual process (although that’s a plus!), the benefits of a class are endless and we celebrating our bodies together.

Where are we from

Wide Range Of Experts

We are inspired, enthusiastic teachers from all over the globe, from all walks of life that know how positive and beneficial our classes are for the students. Our specialities and interests range from Movement Therapy teaching, acting, singing, dancing, meditation, breathing and yoga. We are certainly looking forward to meeting you!

We Want to Share with You

Our Favorites

At Little Big Yoga, we believe that yoga, meditation, voice and breath work should be shared with absolutely everyone! From babies, to children to adult beginners, to yoga professors themselves. 

Hatha Yoga100%
Prenatal Yoga100%
Kids Yoga100%
Breath and Movement100%

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