Our Values

We believe in the radical celebration of all people, big and small, young and old.

We believe yoga should be safe, accessible, inclusive, and welcoming for anyone who wants to practice. 

We believe in the dignity and rights of workers.

We believe in sustainable community investment and the importance of partnership for social change. 

We believe in bold advocacy for those experiencing oppression and marginalization in any form. 

We believe in honoring the diverse experiences, stories, identities, and needs of all of our students. 

We Invest in Our Local Community

We partner with progressive, local, social justice-minded organizations and businesses committed to inclusive, sustainable community development

We prioritize local hiring; encourage those who identify as BIPOC, queer, non-binary to apply; promote from within.

We buy from locally-owned businesses.

We sponsor events that promote community inclusion and investment.

We support organizations doing similar work in their own communities or working to make yoga more accessible to people who face barriers to access.