SkillsMeditation, Voice and Breathing

What's this all about?

Voice and breathing classes doesn’t only have to be restricted to actors, singers and public speakers. As students of voice, movement and breath classes ourselves, we are fascinated with how shifting our attention to our most useful communication tool- our voice- can shift our confidence, reduce anxiety and help us communication that much better.


Our classes combine techniques from Linklater’s Voice Method, the Alexander Technique, meditation, breathing and other various tools used by athletes, singers, actors and working professionals to help them discover and develop their most important communication tool. We focus on finding and using “our natural voice” while learning how to calm ourselves in situations of panic and stress. We also practice “throwing our voice” and exploring how to use volume and direction while speaking, whether it be with co-workers, family or in front of a crowd.

Class Goals

Each class will take you through an embodied warm-up geared towards freeing and opening your voice that releases throat, tongue and jaw tensions, develops more breath capacity, and strengthens your full vocal range.

  • Developing and strengthening your breath awareness
  • Freeing the vocal channel
  • Awareness of natural breathing
  • Physical awareness and alignment

Class Structure

Clothes that you can move freely in are essential.  Have anything you think might make you more comfortable, an extra yoga mat, blanket, water, etc. The classes will allow you to do the following:
  • Become more present, relaxed and aware.
  • Learn to expand, empower and enjoy your voice
  • Discover a simple warm-up that will help you feel healthy, vibrant and grounded each day